September 9, 2013 Regular Meeting
Items 1 - 3 - CALL TO ORDER
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of September 9, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
THAT the September 9, 2013 regular Council meeting agenda be approved as circulated.
3. Adoption of July 22 and 29, 2013 Council Meeting Minutes
THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
• July 22, 2013 special and regular Council meetings; and
• July 29, 2013 special and regular Council meetings.
Items 1 - 3
CALL TO ORDER1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of September 9, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
THAT the September 9, 2013 regular Council meeting agenda be approved as circulated.
3. Adoption of July 22 and 29, 2013 Council Meeting Minutes
THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
• July 22, 2013 special and regular Council meetings; and
• July 29, 2013 special and regular Council meetings.
4. North Shore Fruit Tree Project Society (File: 0055-01)
Presentation to be provided.
THAT the delegation from the North Shore Fruit Tree Project Society be received for information, with thanks.
Item 4
DELEGATIONS4. North Shore Fruit Tree Project Society (File: 0055-01)
Presentation to be provided.
THAT the delegation from the North Shore Fruit Tree Project Society be received for information, with thanks.
Item 5 - REPORTS
Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
THAT the oral reports from the Mayor and Councillors be received for information.
Item 5
REPORTSReports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
THAT the oral reports from the Mayor and Councillors be received for information.
Item 6 - Memorial Library Annual Report (File: 1900-10)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
THAT the presentation regarding Memorial Library Annual Report be received for information.
Item 6
Memorial Library Annual Report (File: 1900-10)PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
THAT the presentation regarding Memorial Library Annual Report be received for information.
Item 7 - Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 and Development Permit Application No. 12-059 for 1455 Bellevue Avenue (File: 1610-20-4760 / 1010-20-12-059) Schedule A to Appendix E (Part 1) Schedule A to Appendix E (Part 2)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 for property located at 1455 Bellevue Avenue, as attached to the report by the Senior Community Planner dated August 29, 2013 be read a first time;
2. The Municipal Clerk give statutory notice that a Public Hearing regarding Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 is scheduled for Monday, October 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber;
3. Proposed Development Permit No. 12-059 attached to the report from the Senior Community Planner dated August 29, 2013 be considered concurrently with Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013; and
4. The public be given an opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Development Permit No. 12-059 attached to the report from the Senior Community Planner, dated August 29, 2013 at a Public Meeting held concurrently with the Public Hearing on Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013.
Item 7
Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 and Development Permit Application No. 12-059 for 1455 Bellevue Avenue (File: 1610-20-4760 / 1010-20-12-059) Schedule A to Appendix E (Part 1) Schedule A to Appendix E (Part 2)PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 for property located at 1455 Bellevue Avenue, as attached to the report by the Senior Community Planner dated August 29, 2013 be read a first time;
2. The Municipal Clerk give statutory notice that a Public Hearing regarding Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 is scheduled for Monday, October 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber;
3. Proposed Development Permit No. 12-059 attached to the report from the Senior Community Planner dated August 29, 2013 be considered concurrently with Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013; and
4. The public be given an opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Development Permit No. 12-059 attached to the report from the Senior Community Planner, dated August 29, 2013 at a Public Meeting held concurrently with the Public Hearing on Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013.
Item 8 (Part 1 of 2) - Staff Response to Questions from Council Regarding a Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses and West Vancouver Coach House Examination (File: 2515-02)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. The report from the Senior Community Planner, titled “Staff’s Response to Questions from Council Regarding Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses”, dated August 22, 2013 be received for information; and
2. Staff prepare draft bylaws to allow for rental coach houses as a detached form of secondary suite for Council consideration in fall 2013, as set out in the report dated July 11, 2013.
Item 8 (Part 1 of 2)
Staff Response to Questions from Council Regarding a Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses and West Vancouver Coach House Examination (File: 2515-02)PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. The report from the Senior Community Planner, titled “Staff’s Response to Questions from Council Regarding Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses”, dated August 22, 2013 be received for information; and
2. Staff prepare draft bylaws to allow for rental coach houses as a detached form of secondary suite for Council consideration in fall 2013, as set out in the report dated July 11, 2013.
Item 8 (Part 2 of 2) - Staff Response to Questions from Council Regarding a Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses and West Vancouver Coach House Examination (File: 2515-02)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. The report from the Senior Community Planner, titled “Staff’s Response to Questions from Council Regarding Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses”, dated August 22, 2013 be received for information; and
2. Staff prepare draft bylaws to allow for rental coach houses as a detached form of secondary suite for Council consideration in fall 2013, as set out in the report dated July 11, 2013.
Item 8 (Part 2 of 2)
Staff Response to Questions from Council Regarding a Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses and West Vancouver Coach House Examination (File: 2515-02)PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. The report from the Senior Community Planner, titled “Staff’s Response to Questions from Council Regarding Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses”, dated August 22, 2013 be received for information; and
2. Staff prepare draft bylaws to allow for rental coach houses as a detached form of secondary suite for Council consideration in fall 2013, as set out in the report dated July 11, 2013.
Items 9 - 12 - 9. Public Safety Building – Project Status Report for July, 2013 (File: 0500-01)
THAT the report entitled “Public Safety Building – Project Status Report for July, 2013” dated August 27, 2013, be received for information.
10. Public Safety Building: Funding Release for Construction Documents Phase (File: 0500-01)
1. A funding release in the amount of $2,200,000 (excluding taxes) be approved for expenditure on the Construction Documents phase for the Public Safety Building project; and
2. Funding be provided in a manner consistent with the funding approach previously approved by Council for the Public Safety Building project, namely through the net proceeds of sale of District-owned lands which are deposited in the Endowment Fund.
11. Public Safety Building: Exterior Façade and Landscape Design (File: 0500-01)
THAT the “exterior façade and landscape design” for the Public Safety Building with features including those set out below (and as set out in Appendix 1 to the report dated August 27, 2013), be approved for the purpose of submission to the Design Review Committee, and discussion with user groups and the public, after which a recommended exterior façade and landscape design will be brought back to Council in public for approval around October 2013:
• “Base” of the building to be treated with the concept of a “garden wall”, a warm grey masonry cladding material. The north facing wall of the base to be clad with white glazed brick to mimic the exteriors of the existing Municipal Hall building;
• “Body” of the building to be comprised of a combination of ribbon glazing treatment and simple, flush, white and light coloured metal panels;
• Opportunities for building identification – fire logo on the hose tower stair, along with a red frit on the glass, and police logo on the police stair at the southeast corner along with a blue frit on its glazing;
• Wood to be used as an exposed structural element in particular in the Atrium as well as the Fire hall Truck Bays;
• Paving patterns of the plaza and fire truck apron which work with the new Ambleside Streetscape Standards;
• Removal of poor conditioned existing trees along the north edge of the site and relocating two existing memorial trees;
• Central plaza area designed to accommodate small scale rain gardens, opportunities for public art plinths, and to support varied civic programming;
• Landscape at the north side of Esquimalt Avenue to feature climbing vines and ornamental planting;
• Landscape at the east side of the building to feature a large rain garden designed to filter the run-off water from the north parking lot; and
• An extensive green roof on the main building roof.
12. Public Safety Building: Overall Project – Preliminary Funding Strategy (File: 0500-01)
1. The report titled Public Safety Building: Overall Project – Preliminary Funding Strategy dated August 27, 2013 be received for information; and
2. Staff report back to Council for final approval of the funding strategy before entering into construction contracts and before commencing construction on the Public Safety Building project.
Items 9 - 12
9. Public Safety Building – Project Status Report for July, 2013 (File: 0500-01)RECOMMENDED:
THAT the report entitled “Public Safety Building – Project Status Report for July, 2013” dated August 27, 2013, be received for information.
10. Public Safety Building: Funding Release for Construction Documents Phase (File: 0500-01)
1. A funding release in the amount of $2,200,000 (excluding taxes) be approved for expenditure on the Construction Documents phase for the Public Safety Building project; and
2. Funding be provided in a manner consistent with the funding approach previously approved by Council for the Public Safety Building project, namely through the net proceeds of sale of District-owned lands which are deposited in the Endowment Fund.
11. Public Safety Building: Exterior Façade and Landscape Design (File: 0500-01)
THAT the “exterior façade and landscape design” for the Public Safety Building with features including those set out below (and as set out in Appendix 1 to the report dated August 27, 2013), be approved for the purpose of submission to the Design Review Committee, and discussion with user groups and the public, after which a recommended exterior façade and landscape design will be brought back to Council in public for approval around October 2013:
• “Base” of the building to be treated with the concept of a “garden wall”, a warm grey masonry cladding material. The north facing wall of the base to be clad with white glazed brick to mimic the exteriors of the existing Municipal Hall building;
• “Body” of the building to be comprised of a combination of ribbon glazing treatment and simple, flush, white and light coloured metal panels;
• Opportunities for building identification – fire logo on the hose tower stair, along with a red frit on the glass, and police logo on the police stair at the southeast corner along with a blue frit on its glazing;
• Wood to be used as an exposed structural element in particular in the Atrium as well as the Fire hall Truck Bays;
• Paving patterns of the plaza and fire truck apron which work with the new Ambleside Streetscape Standards;
• Removal of poor conditioned existing trees along the north edge of the site and relocating two existing memorial trees;
• Central plaza area designed to accommodate small scale rain gardens, opportunities for public art plinths, and to support varied civic programming;
• Landscape at the north side of Esquimalt Avenue to feature climbing vines and ornamental planting;
• Landscape at the east side of the building to feature a large rain garden designed to filter the run-off water from the north parking lot; and
• An extensive green roof on the main building roof.
12. Public Safety Building: Overall Project – Preliminary Funding Strategy (File: 0500-01)
1. The report titled Public Safety Building: Overall Project – Preliminary Funding Strategy dated August 27, 2013 be received for information; and
2. Staff report back to Council for final approval of the funding strategy before entering into construction contracts and before commencing construction on the Public Safety Building project.
Consent Agenda - Consent Agenda Items 13.1 - 13.3
Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda Items 13.1 - 13.3»
14. Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required.
14.1. July 26, 2013, regarding “Bylaw enforcement in Horseshoe Bay?” (Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
14.2. August 20, 2013, regarding “Long boarding near Cypress Park Elementary” J. MacQuarrie (Petition with 31 signatures), dated July 31, 2013, received August 21, 2013, regarding Long Boarders
14.3 B. Brink, J. Banning, B. Tata, F. Namdaran, A. Atash, J. Simmons, M. Hayes, G. Zavediuk, W. Beckett and D. Ross, August 13, 2013, regarding “Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application No. 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (the “Project”)” (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Item 14
OTHER ITEMS14. Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required.
14.1. July 26, 2013, regarding “Bylaw enforcement in Horseshoe Bay?” (Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
14.2. August 20, 2013, regarding “Long boarding near Cypress Park Elementary” J. MacQuarrie (Petition with 31 signatures), dated July 31, 2013, received August 21, 2013, regarding Long Boarders
14.3 B. Brink, J. Banning, B. Tata, F. Namdaran, A. Atash, J. Simmons, M. Hayes, G. Zavediuk, W. Beckett and D. Ross, August 13, 2013, regarding “Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application No. 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (the “Project”)” (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
15. Public Questions and Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
16. Adjournment of September 9, 2013 Council Meeting
THAT the September 9, 2013 Council meeting be adjourned
Items 15 & 16
PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS15. Public Questions and Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
16. Adjournment of September 9, 2013 Council Meeting
THAT the September 9, 2013 Council meeting be adjourned
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