January 26, 2015 Regular Meeting
Item 2 - Approval of January 26, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
THAT the January 26, 2015 regular Council meeting agenda be approved as circulated.
Item 2
Approval of January 26, 2015 Regular Council Meeting AgendaRECOMMENDED:
THAT the January 26, 2015 regular Council meeting agenda be approved as circulated.
Item 3 - Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes
THAT the January 12, 2015 regular Council meeting Minutes be adopted as circulated.
Item 3
Adoption of Council Meeting MinutesRECOMMENDED:
THAT the January 12, 2015 regular Council meeting Minutes be adopted as circulated.
Item 4 - West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society and Secondary School Students, regarding Spawner Salmon Survey Results Fall 2014 (File: 0055-20-WVST1)
PowerPoint Presentation to be provided.
THAT the delegation from West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society and Secondary School Students regarding Spawner Salmon Survey Results Fall 2014 be received for information, with thanks.
Item 4
West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society and Secondary School Students, regarding Spawner Salmon Survey Results Fall 2014 (File: 0055-20-WVST1)PowerPoint Presentation to be provided.
THAT the delegation from West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society and Secondary School Students regarding Spawner Salmon Survey Results Fall 2014 be received for information, with thanks.
Item 5 - Proposed Resolution for 2015 UBCM Convention regarding Warning Labels on Gas Pumps (File: 0332-01)
Information to be provided.
Item 5
Proposed Resolution for 2015 UBCM Convention regarding Warning Labels on Gas Pumps (File: 0332-01)Information to be provided.
Item 6 - Environmental Assessment Office Advisory Working Group for Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas Project (File: 0055-20-EAOF1)
Information to be provided.
Item 6
Environmental Assessment Office Advisory Working Group for Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas Project (File: 0055-20-EAOF1)Information to be provided.
Item 7 - 2015 Budget Presentation (File: 0860-01)
PowerPoint Presentation to be provided.
THAT the 2015 Budget Presentation from the Chief Financial Officer be received for information.
Item 7
2015 Budget Presentation (File: 0860-01)PowerPoint Presentation to be provided.
THAT the 2015 Budget Presentation from the Chief Financial Officer be received for information.
Item 8 - Design Review Committee - Proposed New Terms of Reference (File: 0116-20-DRC)
THAT the Design Review Committee Terms of Reference (Policy 02-10-327) approved on December 18, 2006, and amendments, be rescinded and replaced by the proposed new Design Review Committee Terms of Reference attached as Schedule B to the report dated November 4, 2014.
Item 8
Design Review Committee - Proposed New Terms of Reference (File: 0116-20-DRC)RECOMMENDED:
THAT the Design Review Committee Terms of Reference (Policy 02-10-327) approved on December 18, 2006, and amendments, be rescinded and replaced by the proposed new Design Review Committee Terms of Reference attached as Schedule B to the report dated November 4, 2014.
Item 9 - Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4809, 2014 and Proposed Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4821, 2014 (regarding proposed subdivision of 6447 and 6475 Pitt Street into three smaller lots) (File: 1610-20-4809 / 1610-20-4821)
The proposed bylaws received first reading at the December 15, 2014 regular Council meeting and Council scheduled a public hearing regarding the proposed bylaws to be held on January 26, 2015. If the January 26, 2015 public hearing has closed the proposed bylaws may be considered for second and third reading at the January 26, 2015 regular Council meeting. If the public hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.
THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4809, 2014” be read a second time.
THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4809, 2014” be read a third time.
THAT proposed “Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4821, 2014” be read a second and third time.
Item 9
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4809, 2014 and Proposed Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4821, 2014 (regarding proposed subdivision of 6447 and 6475 Pitt Street into three smaller lots) (File: 1610-20-4809 / 1610-20-4821)The proposed bylaws received first reading at the December 15, 2014 regular Council meeting and Council scheduled a public hearing regarding the proposed bylaws to be held on January 26, 2015. If the January 26, 2015 public hearing has closed the proposed bylaws may be considered for second and third reading at the January 26, 2015 regular Council meeting. If the public hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.
THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4809, 2014” be read a second time.
THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4809, 2014” be read a third time.
THAT proposed “Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4821, 2014” be read a second and third time.
10. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
• Item 10.1 – Correspondence List.
10.1. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
Council Correspondence Update to January 9, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) City of North Vancouver, December 18, 2014, regarding “North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee: Options for Continuation of Service Provision” (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) January 7, 2015, regarding “Lighting on the Centennial Seawalk” (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) January 5, 2015, regarding House Shaking a Lot – Demolition of the House on Neighbouring Property (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) January 2, 2015, regarding “FW: Re: DP370 Fortis BC permit to drill boreholes” (Woodfibre LNG Proposal)
(5) 2 submissions, January 3 – 8, 2015, regarding Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 14-043 (3357 Marine Drive) (Referred to January 12, 2015 Council meeting)
(6) Disability Alliance BC, January 9, 2015, regarding “Invitation to Disability Alliance BC’s Swing into Spring 2015” (April 9, 2015)
Responses to Correspondence
(7) Senior Community Planner, January 5, 2015, response regarding House Shaking a Lot – Demolition of the House on Neighbouring Property
(8) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response regarding “Regulations on “Monster” Homes”
(9) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response to S. Slater, “Hollyburn Sailing Club – Ambleside activation”
(10) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response regarding “Moving of Hollyburn Sailing Club and closing of Argyle?”
(11) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response to C. Ballantine, “Fw: Housing development approval processes, costs differ greatly (The Vancouver Sun, Dec 4 2014, PageD1)”
Council Correspondence Update to January 13, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) Connect Hearing (Petition with 6 signatures), December 18, 2014, regarding “Hearing Care for West Vancouver Residents”
(2) Children of the Street Society, undated, regarding Congratulations on Election and Invitation to Society’s 20th Anniversary Event (March 5, 2015)
(3) January 10, 2015, regarding “Fwd: WEEP News / Are 45 Million Americans Already Suffering the Effects of Wireless Radiation ? / HALT THE EMR NOISE / Cell phones cause cancer / Research About Cell Phone Use etc”
(4) January 13, 2015, regarding “Golf Driving Range”
Item 10
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS10. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
• Item 10.1 – Correspondence List.
10.1. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
Council Correspondence Update to January 9, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) City of North Vancouver, December 18, 2014, regarding “North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee: Options for Continuation of Service Provision” (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) January 7, 2015, regarding “Lighting on the Centennial Seawalk” (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) January 5, 2015, regarding House Shaking a Lot – Demolition of the House on Neighbouring Property (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) January 2, 2015, regarding “FW: Re: DP370 Fortis BC permit to drill boreholes” (Woodfibre LNG Proposal)
(5) 2 submissions, January 3 – 8, 2015, regarding Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 14-043 (3357 Marine Drive) (Referred to January 12, 2015 Council meeting)
(6) Disability Alliance BC, January 9, 2015, regarding “Invitation to Disability Alliance BC’s Swing into Spring 2015” (April 9, 2015)
Responses to Correspondence
(7) Senior Community Planner, January 5, 2015, response regarding House Shaking a Lot – Demolition of the House on Neighbouring Property
(8) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response regarding “Regulations on “Monster” Homes”
(9) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response to S. Slater, “Hollyburn Sailing Club – Ambleside activation”
(10) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response regarding “Moving of Hollyburn Sailing Club and closing of Argyle?”
(11) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, January 6, 2015, response to C. Ballantine, “Fw: Housing development approval processes, costs differ greatly (The Vancouver Sun, Dec 4 2014, PageD1)”
Council Correspondence Update to January 13, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) Connect Hearing (Petition with 6 signatures), December 18, 2014, regarding “Hearing Care for West Vancouver Residents”
(2) Children of the Street Society, undated, regarding Congratulations on Election and Invitation to Society’s 20th Anniversary Event (March 5, 2015)
(3) January 10, 2015, regarding “Fwd: WEEP News / Are 45 Million Americans Already Suffering the Effects of Wireless Radiation ? / HALT THE EMR NOISE / Cell phones cause cancer / Research About Cell Phone Use etc”
(4) January 13, 2015, regarding “Golf Driving Range”
Item 11
Item 12 - Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
THAT the oral reports from the Mayor and Councillors be received for information.
Item 12
Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working GroupsRECOMMENDED:
THAT the oral reports from the Mayor and Councillors be received for information.
Item 13 - Public Questions and Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
Item 13
Public Questions and Comments (3 minutes per speaker)»
Item 14 - Adjournment of January 26, 2015 Council Meeting
THAT the January 26, 2015 Council meeting be adjourned.
Item 14
Adjournment of January 26, 2015 Council MeetingRECOMMENDED:
THAT the January 26, 2015 Council meeting be adjourned.
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